Victoria R. Li
Email: vrli [at] college [dot] harvard [dot] edu

Hi! I'm Victoria, an undergraduate at Harvard studying Computer Science and Statistics (with some History of Science and Mind, Brain, and Behavior mixed in). Outside class, I work on AI research at the Harvard Kempner Institute, where I study ML interpretability and human-AI interaction. I am also excited about intersections of ML with biology, health, and cognitive science. I will be attending EMNLP and NeurIPS this year, and I would love to meet anyone else going!

On campus, I spend time teaching math, computer science, and statistics courses, thinking about AI safety, facilitating projects applying technology to global health, and supporting women in CS.

Please feel free to reach out––I'd love to chat!
Causal Promises but Correlational Delivers: A Study of Circuit Mechanisms and Model Behaviors
Jenny Kaufmann*, Victoria R. Li*, Martin Wattenberg, David Alvarez-Melis, Naomi Saphra
NeurIPS Science for Deep Learning Workshop (Dec 2024)
Twin Studies of Factors in Out of Distribution Generalization
Victoria R. Li*, Jenny Kaufmann*, David Alvarez-Melis, Naomi Saphra
NeurIPS Science for Deep Learning Workshop (Dec 2024)
ChatGPT Doesn't Trust Chargers Fans: Guardrail Sensitivity in Context
Victoria R. Li*, Yida Chen*, Naomi Saphra
Empirical Methods for Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) (Nov 2024) / arXiv / Github
Widespread Impact of Natural Genetic Variations in CRISPR-Cas9 Outcomes
Victoria R Li, Tinghui Wu, Alicja Tadych, Aaron Wong, Zijun Zhang
The CRISPR Journal (Oct 2024) / Equity Track @ ISMB/ECCB / Database:
CROTON: An Automated and Variant-Aware Deep Learning Framework for Predicting CRISPR/Cas9 Editing Outcomes
Victoria R Li, Zijun Zhang, Olga Troyanskaya
Bioinformatics (Jul 2021) / ML Track @ ISMB/ECCB / Extremely highly cited for field / Github